May 5- Cinco de Mayo dinner at the Food Bank. (See Mrs. Nichols class letter page)

- Teacher Appreciation Assemby hosted by LINK
8:30 a.m. in the old gymnasium. Parents are welcome to attend.  (Note sent home)

Students in: 
Mrs. Nichols class wear
Ms. Walsh's class wear BLUE
Mr. Hill's class wear


MAY 13-   STAY-AT-THE-RANCH Field Trip (note sent)


   Presenters will join kids in learning about many topics related to our studies this year. Some include: Poetry with Nona K. Carver, Junior Ranger Program by Colorado State Parks representative, Career choices hands-on stations with FFA chapter, gold panning, and Spellbinders Cowboy Storytelling with Annie Anderson. Our final station will  be 3/4 Ol’ West teachers and students completing a time capsule project. Students will also watch a performance of PRINCESS AND THE PEA at 2:30.




Water bottle

Comfortable shoes

Fun attitude

Best behavior

Dress for the weather

MAY  17- Mrs. Nichols is out for the day on 5th grade field trip, sub will be Mrs. Yeates. Normal day scheduled for homeroom and rotations.

MAY 18-Last day for rotations in the afternoon.

MAY  19- ALL SCHOOL Field Day from 8:30-11:00 for Elementary, 12:15 Buckaroo Awards for all students, store is open and May movie. Clean desks, lockers, and classroom

MAY 20-LAST DAY of SCHOOL- Dismissal at 11:00
Rocket Launch launch from 8:30-10:00 for Mr. Hill's class.
Mrs. Nichols class will tape a video and complete work for fourth quarter projects, tasks, etc.
Miss Walsh's class will finalize work, and complete classroom activities.